The Cambridge International A Levels are internationally benchmarked qualifications providing excellent preparations for university education and were founded by Cambridge. The Cambridge International A Levels programme is typically a two-year course, while the Cambridge International AS Level programme lasts for one year and counts for 50% of the overall A Levels grades. We use Cambridge International AS Level to give learners valuable feedback on their performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses before they complete their full Cambridge International A Levels.
Assessments and Examinations
At AIS, assessment in A Levels 2-year programme is both internally assessed and externally moderated.
All internally assessed components are marked by the teachers.This is aimed to maintain objectivity and reliability and viability of the exams.
All written examinations are completed in alignment with the external standards, set by Cambridge assessment international education. AIS officially proctors all examination sessions following the Cambridge guidelines. These examination periods will follow the strict codes of conduct expected from Cambridge University
Where do Cambridge qualifications take you?
Success in Cambridge qualifications often gives students admission to the world’s best universities. They are recognised as qualifications that prepare and equip students with the skills they need to succeed both at university and beyond. Universities tell us that they value the independent research and critical thinking skills, as well as the deep subject knowledge that these qualifications bring.