August 2022
At the start of our new academic year here at Acorns International School (AIS), it is with great pride that I wish you a warm welcome, new and returning parents. I intentionally use the word pride to welcome you all because it encapsulates how I feel. So many reasons to celebrate!
Firstly, 100% of our first cohort of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and Cambridge A Levels students have passed with flying colours. This is a very big reason to celebrate and I take the opportunity to thank the teachers and parents who have supported us in this successful journey!
Expand, Emendate and Embark! This is the theme of my write-up today! Images below depict all the reasons how the AIS Family across the board has been soaring high with expansions, emendating and embarking on new beginnings with new schools and buildings and revamping current structures and programmes! We are so excited about all that’s happening in our all three schools – our very own Campus here in Kampala, Oak International in Bunga and Acorns International School in Kigali!
I am looking forward to this academic year again for many special reasons and looking forward to building more memories together as a community. Once again, welcome back!

Lunch / Clubs
Welcome back AIS Family!
If a student does not opt for school lunch, they will need to bring their packed snacks/lunch in the morning.
Lunch drops or delivery will not be allowed. Microwaves will be available. Students and parents should make informed decisions in terms of what items are to be packed in the morning that can still be kept and eaten during snack and lunch breaks.
We hope old AIS families have already submitted this form, which was sent on the class whatsapp groups earlier this week. For new families, if you would like your child (ren) to have school lunch, kindly submit this form to Ms. Binal on or before Monday, August 22, 2022. The admin office will remain open on Saturday, August 20, from 9 am to 4 pm, so you can drop it or email it to [email protected].
Forms received after this date may cause disruption in providing school lunch to your child. Please answer the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ option after the menu.
Daycare / Uniforms / Exit IDs
We highly encourage parents to pick students up within 15 minutes of their last class. Early dismissal of the students should be communicated prior to the student’s HoD, clearly stating who will pick them. Our regular daycare hours end at 5:30 pm.
Students are expected to wear their full school uniform (including sweaters) every day. Please label your child’s belongings, for easy identification. If you need school uniforms, please reach out to the Admin department. As a safety measure, an exclusive Exit ID card has to be presented at the gate during pick up time.
Reach out to [email protected] +256 786 059088 for inquiries about Uniforms, Lunch, After school clubs, and Exit IDs.
Rosyelene Ampumuza
HoD Administration Department
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to a new school year!
I hope you had a great holiday with enough moments of rest, special memories with family, and lots of excitement and fun!
Last year, many Reception students graduated. It’s unfortunate that we’ll have to miss these students in our Department, but we wish them all the best as they prosper in the Primary Department!
On the other hand, I’m delighted to receive many new admissions in our department. We can’t wait to see these new faces and get to know these students better.
This week, teachers prepared their classrooms, planned for exciting activities, and brainstormed to have great events this year. The EC Department is more than ready to receive our little friends!
We look forward to standing next to your children while they explore and discover new things around them, learn through play, and make some social/emotional changes.
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact the Head of Department via email [email protected] or on +256 753 247 888.
What to Bring to School?
On a daily basis, we request you to pack a snack, water bottle, extra clothes, and diapers if not yet potty trained. Kindly leave your child’s toys at home.
On days of swimming, kindly pack a swimming costume and towel for your child.
Please write your child’s name on all their belongings.
– Students can enter the EC Department at 7.30 am
– Lessons start at 8.45 am
– Crèche, EC1 and EC2 lessons finish at 12.25 pm
– Reception lessons finish 2.40 pm
Pick-up and Drop-off:
Please note that we changed a few things regarding the pick-up and drop-off of children in the EC Department.
Drop-off: Lessons start at 8.45 am. However, the EC gate (opposite the AIS Auditorium) will open at 7.30 am where you can drop off your child. This gate remains open until 9 am. After this time, parents will have to park their car and personally drop their child to the classroom by using the gate between the Primary Department and the Early Childhood Department.
Pick-up: Parents are now picking up their children from class or daycare through the gate between the Primary Department and the Early Childhood Department, the gate opposite the auditorium cannot be used for pick-ups anymore.
We ask all parents to buy a PE t-shirt in the correct color of their child’s house team. Your class teacher can tell you in which House Team your child is.
School uniforms are only compulsory for Reception students. If your student does not have a uniform yet, please send an email to [email protected] to purchase one.

Yirka Vinck
HoD Childhood Department
Email: [email protected]
Welcome back to the academic year 2022-23!
I hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new academic year on a high note. I am so delighted that you have chosen to continue being part of the AIS community. I welcome the PYP1 families and all other families that have joined us this academic year. I also welcome all the continuing families and thank you for your continued support. AIS values your energy and dedication to supporting students in every aspect.
I look forward to working with you and your children this academic year 2022-23.
All signs point to another incredible and productive school year. Our skilled and dedicated staff is already planning and preparing for your children. They are very excited to have the students back to school. They have done several professional development workshops to enable them to facilitate the education of your child to challenge them to reach their highest potential.
Writing Curriculum
We are excited about the new writing curriculum for our students. Our teachers are very well-prepared to facilitate learning. I believe students will benefit a lot and teachers are excited to walk the journey with them. Please encourage them to write and read and feel free to work closely with teachers in ensuring that your child gets the best from what they are learning.
New Staff
Each year brings positive change. This includes a few additions to our staff. We are delighted to welcome the new teachers that have joined us this year and wish them the best as we continue to work together.
Reporting Time Every Morning
Every Primary department student is expected to report to class between 7:30 and 7:55 am.
We request that students come in their full school uniform at all times (including sweaters). Their uniform, on a daily basis, is a Polo T-shirt with blue trousers/shorts/skirts. On days when they have PE, they should come in their PE uniforms from home. The PE uniform comprises a school team t-shirt with black track pants. Leggings are not permitted.
Lost and Found: There are many school jumpers in the lost and found property. If your child lost one, you can feel free to come and get it from there. We highly recommend labelling your child’s belongings, so that it can be easily identified.
As we are all aware, a student’s behaviour can affect his/ her ability to learn, as well as other students in the class. We understand that there are different parenting styles, but we request that you work closely with teachers to ensure that your child’s behaviour is not a disruption to the classroom and/or other students.
Device Policy:
Primary students must not bring devices to school. The only exception to this is PYP6, but parents will be informed when students have to bring a laptop to school ahead of time.

Shallon Baguma
HoD Primary Department
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the new academic year. August is always a time to begin something new, reflect on the past and welcome changes. We are delighted to have our cohort of MYP 1. We are equally excited about our new academic block above ECDC.
As we look forward to a successful term, here is some important information for you to keep in mind. We sincerely request all the parents to adhere to these rules and inculcate the same in our students in the Secondary department at AIS:
Secondary Uniforms- All students in Secondary should come in the following uniform.
Khaki trousers, navy blue shirt, tie and black sneakers/black shoes.
Secondary students can change into their House t-shirts and black track pants during their PHE session. They are supposed to carry the sports uniform to school and change before their PE lesson.
Secondary students have not been issued the polo t-shirts and this would not be considered a uniform this year onwards.
Locker Keys and Identity Cards– All Secondary students will be issued their locker keys and the identity cards at the beginning of the term. If the locker key is misplaced or damaged, the student has to pay UGX 30,000 at the Accounts office for the reissuing of the locker key.
All Secondary students will get new identity cards. The old identity cards must be returned to the HOD.
Secondary School Timings– Secondary students should come to school by 7:45 AM and report to their respective homerooms. Homeroom attendance is considered as part of the mandatory 90% attendance for each term to be promoted to the next class and registration for external examinations.
Device Usage Policy in Secondary- Secondary students are not allowed to carry mobile phones. If a mobile phone is found being used without the permission of HOD, the phone will be confiscated. The student then has to write an email to the HoD, Homeroom teacher and the parents as to why they were found using the phone. Repeated offense may lead to suspension and confiscation of the phone for the entire term.
MYP1 to MYP3 students are not allowed to carry laptops or any electronic devices to the classes, unless there is a request by the teacher to do so on Managebac one day prior to the particular lesson. The school is not responsible or accountable for any loss or damage to the laptops.
MYP4 onwards, students can carry the laptops at their discretion and need for the lessons. However, if a student is found to be misusing the laptop for nonacademic purposes, the laptop or the device may be confiscated. The student will then have to write an email to the HoD, the homeroom teacher and their parents explaining the purpose of flouting an AIS Policy, their responsibility towards academics and the way forward in order to get the device back.
Surprise Bag Checks- There will be surprise bag check drills in the Secondary Department. All students are expected to adhere to the Behavior Policy and be aware of the major offenses including carrying and using contraband items while on the AIS campus. If such items are found on the person or in their bags, it may lead to severe disciplinary action.

Shirin Bagchi
HoD Secondary Department
Email: [email protected]

Nishitha Shrivastava
HoD – Admissions & Taskforce Head
Email: [email protected]