May 2021
In This Issue:
Dear AIS Family,
I want to start with a big “Thank You” to the entire AIS community, for making so many things possible at AIS. Kudos to our students for their resilience and adherence to SOPs which has allowed us for a smooth examination process; our staff’s commitment and dedication has not only allowed for AIS to function with as much normalcy as possible during such times, but also for being such a great lifelong learning community – be it on campus, online or hybrid; and most importantly – you parents. Your trust in us, your continuous support and your flexibility when instant requests were made to move your children online and adhering to SOPs!
Also, a sincere thanks to the PTO, as they have done some amazing work this term and with raising funds. Details are below and I am sure that when the funds will be used for student and staff wellbeing, we can be only grateful.
We are in the midst of some very busy testing weeks. We have almost completed the PYP end-of-year assessments, the Candidates (MYP5 and AS students) are writing theirs and MYP and DP students will begin theirs as they return from midterm (please take the time to read the adjoining letter from IBO, which is very heartening)! And that is not the end of year…this will be followed by PYP6, MYP3, and MYP5 Exhibitions; Graduation Ceremonies for Reception, PYP6 and MYP5 students; and last, but not least, Celebration of Learning for the whole school. Keep watching this space and stay connected!
We have less than 5 weeks to complete this Term, after we return from midterm. Please remind your children to stay focused and summer will be here soon enough! I hope everyone has a relaxed break and Go Acorns!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Change in the Calendar Date
Dear parents/guardians,
Eid Al-Fitr has been declared on Thursday, May 13, which will be a public holiday. We have our midterm break on Monday-Tuesday, May 17- 18. Therefore, we have now added Friday, May 14 to our midterm break.
In keeping with the above, AIS will be closed from May 12 till 18. See you back on Wednesday, May 19, after the midterm break.
The admin office will be open throughout (except for public holidays). Please also note that some of our phone lines have been disconnected due to a technical snag on the part of our service provider. Please send us emails, and we will respond as soon as possible.
Wish you a restful break.
The AIS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) held two monthly Home Clothes Day drives this term.
The PTO is planning on using its funds for two purposes this academic year: to award students in the house team that has the most points in each department and to award outstanding members of AIS staff.
Making a Difference (MaD) Award
There will be 9 recognized winners for the Making a Difference (MaD) award:
- 1 Early Childhood teacher or teaching assistant
- 1 Lower Primary homeroom teacher or teaching assistant
- 1 Upper Primary teacher homeroom teacher or teaching assistant
- 1 Primary/Early Childhood Standalone or LSS teacher
- 1 Lower Secondary teacher
- 1 Upper Secondary teacher
- 1 Member of the Administration staff
- 1 female member of the Auxiliary staff
- 1 male member of the Auxiliary staff
The MaD Award is an end-of-year teacher and staff appreciation award that recognizes individuals who exemplify excellence in their work ethic. These individuals are passionate, dedicated, hardworking, compassionate, helpful and always willing to go above and beyond for their students and school.
How are the members of staff chosen for the MaD Award?
- For Primary, Early Childhood, Auxiliary and Admin Staff: Teachers and staff will vote for one of their colleagues who they think best exemplify the qualities mentioned in the previous slide.
- For Secondary: Students will be given the opportunity to vote for one teacher that has made the biggest impact, in a positive way, in their life.
All winners will be treated to an end of year dinner and be given a gift.

Arianna Anglin
Head of Specialties / PTO Vice-Chairperson
Tel: +256 794 795 805
Email: [email protected]
Early Childhood
Due to the current COVID 19 situation, some classes had to move online for a short period of time. Thank you parents for remaining supportive and understanding, as we do our best to follow SoPs and keep our community safe! Our students have proven to be quite resilient and nothing can stop them from learning.
Sarah Bowman
Head of Early Childhood Department
Tel: +256 756 770 676
Email: [email protected]
The first half of Term 3 has been short, but exciting. We had many more students joining us on campus. They were excited to meet their friends and engage in different activities at school. Our online students enjoyed these activities equally. This month, students have explored ‘Lifelong Learning’ as the AIS value of the month. They are learning to be inquirers, knowledgeable, and thinkers. I request that we continue to work together in nurturing these important skills in our children.
Shallon Baguma
Head of Primary Department
Tel: +256 758 202 666
Email: [email protected]
Within the Secondary Department, we make full use of Managebac, allowing the entire Department to view all Units of Inquiry at a glance. This allows the students to have a holistic view of the unit’s outcomes and learning goals, whilst having all Inquiry questions at the click of a button. We hope you have been actively visiting your Managebac account too. If not, please contact us.
Zoe Calder
Head of Secondary Department
Tel: +256 758 965 632
Email: [email protected]
PYP6 have taken up the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN council as the drivers of their PYP Exhibition projects. They will be staging their journey and proposing their solutions on how to achieve some of these vital global goals. They also collaboratively competed to design the concept for their Exhibition poster and here is the winning draft:
During the first week of our third term, AIS took on a Healthy Week Drive in order to reemphasize the importance of healthy eating and living to our students. Each class had a variety of activities during the week from creating healthy meal plans to taking part in aerobics exercises. Students who packed healthy eats during the week were awarded house points in order to encourage healthy choices and eating habits. Take a look at some of that week’s activities in pictures!

At AIS we believe that promoting healthy lifestyle is important! Our MYP1 students took action and created a variety of healthy snacks.

Early Childhood
This year’s theme for Science Week in the Early Childhood Department was, “Experimenting in EC.” Each class conducted a different science experiment each day which filled the week with wonder and awe! Check out the pictures of the different experiments:

Science Week was fun-filled, as our students explored different concepts ranging from the Water Cycle to Volcanic Eruptions to States of Matter. Please have a look at the photographs and video to get a glimpse of what students did during the Science Week.

This Term, we hosted Design Week. The students were tasked with different activities and worked extremely hard on all the design projects. Each yearband was given a different task. To find out more, please use the link below to see what they were up to!
The MYP 3 students have been reflecting on their Community Project journey. During this process, the students have been able to reflect on the different Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills they have developed throughout the Community Project. Whilst adding to their Journals on Managebac, the students have also been working on their final presentation, which will be showcased June 18, 2021.
Mr. Sam and Mr. Ken led an informative meeting to guide and support our Secondary students as they start their journey on their “Career Pathway”. We believe that giving our students career guidance sessions will help them see the end before the start. If you missed the meeting, not to worry! The meeting was recorded and is available on Managebac to all parents and students in MYP3, MYP4, MYP5, A Levels and DP.
Our DP students took part in their first CAS trip at ‘New Life Home’, in partnership with Abaana Ministries. The students were able to demonstrate the different concepts and showed great initiative, kindness, demonstrated perseverance, worked collaboratively and best of all, they made memories! The DP students are collecting clothes for the boys at New Life Home. If you would like to donate items of clothing, please send it to school with your child and have them drop it in the Donation Box in the Secondary Library.

Nishitha Shrivastava
Community Liaison Officer for AIS COVID 19 Taskforce/ Head of Admissions and
Tel: +256 758 202 681
Email: [email protected]