December 2021
The COVID 19 pandemic had (and continues to have) the most catastrophic disruption to education in history, especially the Uganda’s education system. The rush to slow the spread of the virus led to closures of schools across the country, with little time to ensure continuity of instruction or to create a framework for deciding when and how to reopen schools. Twenty-one months later, we may be unclear about how this pandemic will pan out, but are thankful to H.E President Museveni, the Ministry and Government for allowing our students back on campus in January 2022. We are so excited to see all our students back on January 5, 2022.As I write this, I am grappling with the complex and high-stakes questions of when schools reopen in January 2022, what happens with a new variant in sight and its arrival in the country? Its impact on all economic, health and education sectors? What additional safety measures need to be incorporated within the existing model of SOPs?
Though our decisions need to be informed by the most up-to-date evidence about the virus and its variants and mitigating its risks, our priority remains that classroom-based learning continues uninterrupted. To help keep schools open and safe, WHO, UNICEF and UNESCO have endorsed expert recommendation developed by the WHO European Technical Advisory group for schooling during COVID 19 that schools to be among the last places to close and first to re-open.
Therefore, as much as we are excited to be back on campus, we also need to be cautious, try to safely reopen, and address the learning needs of all children. Important safety recommendations have been prepared by AIS COVID 19 Taskforce Team and are included in this newsletter. Please read them carefully and help in safe and smooth reopening of Campus for all students.
As we have maintained that learning will remain uninterrupted at AIS, irrespective of whichever education model we follow – online, hybrid or physical and remained true to this commitment. Please read through the newsletter to witness all the proud accomplishments of our learners and staff.

Special mention to PTO for their resilient and continuous efforts to stay connected with the school community even in these difficult times with their positive actions and contributions. We are thankful for those beautiful t-shirts and car stickers. I am certain that we will flaunt the stickers with pride!
As we end this term, a heartfelt thank you and goodbye to Ms. Sarah, our beloved Head of Early Childhood Department. She is a young mother and has decided to spend quality time with her family. We wish her all the best and pray for the wellbeing of her and her family. Ms. Yirka, whom you all know very well, will take over as Head of the Early Childhood Department. The transition had begun immediately after the mid-term break and has been very smooth.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!
We are approaching the end of a tumultuous and exhausting academic term – for parent instructors, and students alike. The challenges we collectively faced leading up to, and throughout, the term laid a firm foundation for belief in the better that is yet to come. Over the past several months, we have watched our colleagues rise to the challenges of this term, despite facing obstacles in their own lives, in order to provide thoughtful, quality instruction in courses disrupted by physical distancing requirements and social unrest. We have also seen students demonstrate an incredible commitment to their learning and academic success in the face of these challenges. In an unprecedented term, AIS PTO has shown its resiliency, engagement, and determination to realize its goals.
The PTO took part in celebrating Teacher’s Day, and was able to appreciate the teachers with ‘Difference Maker’ T-shirts! A statement that describes in a nutshell what the AIS teachers are to us!
On the students’ part, the PTO interacted with the DP1 and DP2 students, in particular, to discuss the students’ CAS projects. It was the first of its kind and we look forward to building on the great collaboration between the PTO and the students. We humbly request that if any parent wishes to be able to contribute to the realization of the goals of the CAS projects for the DP students, donations are welcome. The students are running a potentially very insightful CAS project, that looks out to empower the boy child. Any help, in any form, is welcome. Please feel free to contact the PTO treasurer.
On the side of other students and teachers, the PTO is planning a virtual event for next term, which is going to be fun. It will be a family-student-teacher interactive quiz with multiple rounds. Details will be communicated in the course of next term.
Last but not least, the PTO has decided to purchase bumper stickers. Every (new and old) family at AIS will be given a sticker at the start of next Term. They will be free of charge as the PTO wants to thank you for the support you have given us through our events like Home Clothes Day. We hope you are as proud of AIS as we are.
We wish you a great break!
–Godwin Kyegombe
PTO Chair
It’s been 21 months since we have experienced school as it used to be. As we bid farewell to this calendar year and prepare to welcome every student back on campus on January 5, we hope the worst is behind us.
As we embark on this journey, we tread with caution. We do not want to take for granted this newfound luxury of enjoying campus life together. And we request you to help us in this matter. Please ensure that your child finds a mask that suits their needs and get them an extra pair to carry every day. Please prepare them for the changes that we now accept as ‘normal’.
Due to the number of students and staff on campus, we will have zero tolerance for SOPs being flouted. Any staff or student who does not follow COVID 19 SOPs on campus will have to face consequences. We must work together to ensure that we live safely alongside the pandemic.
If you would like to read the AIS COVID 19 Taskforce handbook, please email [email protected]
Wish you all a rejuvenating break! Merry Christmas, to all those celebrating, and a wonderful New Year!
Nishitha Shrivastava
Head of Admissions/Admin Department
Taskforce Lead
Email: [email protected]
We have always taken pride in the AIS Online Programme, where we are able to teach, learn and celebrate every day, despite everything that is going on around us.
Our school play was one more feather in that hat! This year, our students put up an excellent adaptation of Shakespeare’s King Lear.
Despite being at home, our students were able to synchronise their performances and put up an extremely entertaining act. The costumes, scenery and most importantly the realistic character portrayals kept both students and parents excited and on edge. While the play ended, it left the audience wanting for more. Bravo to the actors, parents and teachers that helped with the school play!
Early Childhood
During the unit, ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’, EC2 students learned about people and cultures having similarities and differences depending on their location. They inquired into these questions: What is culture? How does where I am from impact my daily life? What are the different celebrations around the world?
On November 19, they took us on a trip around the globe for their Term 1 Assembly. They introduced us to the seven continents, showed us what life is like in different countries and waved flags from their country of origin. Well done, E2 Cranes and Ostriches!

Sarah Bowman
Head of Early Childhood Department
Email: [email protected]
For the world to be a better place, we must be ourselves, believe, and explore. The PYP 5 students shared this in a spectacular dance and poem, expressing who they are and encouraging others to always have high hopes.
This term, PYP4 also put up a wonderful display of various units they had learnt such as ‘In the Headlines’ and ‘Alive and Kicking’, while also showing us what the characteristics of Learner Profile, ‘Reflective’ look like, helping students understand they shouldn’t change themselves to fit in with another crowd, and be proud of themselves. Year 4 Gold integrated the Unit, ‘, as the students turned into reporters, covering a selection of topics, such as Wonder Week and the Virtual Field Trip!
Shallon Baguma
Head of Primary Department
Email: [email protected]
Secondary assemblies have been ongoing. Our MYP5 shared their ideas and innovative experiments on ‘World Science Day’ as Inquirers and looked at different cultures through their lens of open-mindedness. Our MYP 1O students shared their ideas on the Learner Profile attributes of a Communicator through the celebration of the International Day of Evolution. They even composed their own song for the day!
It was a wonderful glimpse of our AIS Communicators in action.
Shirin Bagchi
Head of Secondary Department
Email: [email protected]
EC students spent the week being of service to others! Here is what they did each day:
Monday – Being a Helper at Home

Tuesday – Neighborhood Cleanup

Wednesday – Appreciating Those Around Us

Thursday – Tree Planting

Friday – Used Clothing Drive

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King Jr.
As we enter the holiday season, it is rewarding to see our students and staff giving back through service. This December, our Primary classes learned about the different types of service and then put their learning into action by serving the environment, community, and their family.
Through these times, it is important to remember to be thankful and continue to spread generosity to others.
Secondary Service Week was based on the theme, “Find your happy”. Students were engaged in various activities aimed at building a positive outlook, building resilience, finding out activities to help others to find fulfillment. They had sessions on Laughter Yoga, writing poems, and letters of gratitude.

Wonder Week
“If students leave school less curious than when they have started, we have failed them.” – George Couros
Learning should inspire curiosity and it is that cycle of inquiry and learning that we inspired in our Primary students to fully engage in during Wonder Week. Typically, our students go through the inquiry process under concepts that are provided for them by the teachers and our PYP Programme of Inquiry. Wonder Week allowed students to wonder and learn about anything and everything they wanted.
From PYP 1 to PYP 6 our teachers were surprised and delighted with the wonders and ideas the students brought forward and explored.

Our AS, A-Levels, and IBDP students have taken up internships to help them understand the real world and work environment better. Such internships go a long way in making our students make informed choices about their higher education and be future-ready.
ATL Workshops
Our MYP students had various workshops organized for them in the week following their examinations. They had fun sessions in Origami and Wellness to more intense sessions on Model United Nations (MUN) and many more in between to help them master the skills.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme is an international programme that aims at empowering the youth so that they can reach their full potential and find purpose in life. The Award Programme offers an ideal structure to support the key aspects of the International Baccalaureate and was a natural advantage for our students. Through this award programme, our students choose a Service, Physical Recreation, Skills activity, and go on an adventurous journey. We have over forty Award Leaders amongst our staff members. We are excited to say that even with the vagaries of online lessons, our Duke of Edinburgh Award programme launched recently is making a visible change in our students. They are becoming skilled, responsible and compassionate learners and taking informed decisions and choices following our mission and vision.
Lifelong learners, that’s what we are! Every member of the AIS academic team spent a considerable amount of time this term undergoing professional development, internal and international.
In Term 1, several PYP/MYP teachers were sponsored to take part in the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Deep Dive Professional Development Courses, which was rich in content and context.
After the 5-week courses were finished, the sponsored teachers then led meetings with the rest of the teaching staff. They discussed teaching strategies, school-wide best practices, and brought the highlights from each Deep Dive home to AIS.
In addition, several members of our leadership and teaching team were also part of the 3-day IB Conference. As an IB Continuum School, AIS takes pride in this association and the wholesome curriculum that we are able to share.
As an active member of AISA, monthly meetings with Head of Schools of international schools around the region keeps us up-to-date on various matters in these difficult times and most importantly relevant with the latest research and developments in the education sector.

Early Childhood

Thank you to the parents who signed up for and took part in our first Three-Way Conference of the academic year. Each term, teachers compile student’s work into an e-portfolio that gives evidence of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) learning outcomes covered throughout the Units. Assessment is vital to addressing each student’s individual learning needs. During conferences, teachers had a chance to go through these e-portfolios and report cards with parents and share on the progress in Term 1. If you were not able to attend this term, kindly reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher by email with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Thank you to our families who have been committed to finishing another term of online learning. In the last week of the term, our teachers invited students and parents to engage in Three-Way Conferences. At AIS, Three-Way Conferences are a chance for students to reflect on their learning with both the teacher and family members.This year, you will note a change in our PYP E-Portfolios. In the past, these were done once a term and not revisited. Now our E-Portfolios will be a growing document that is added to each term, noting student goals and progress.

The first Three-Way Conference of the academic year began virtually on a serious note on Monday, December 6. Teachers were receptive to the concerns shared by parents and students. It was a wonderful opportunity to take a pause and reflect on our programme and the teaching-learning process and we are enthused to share ideas to make the learning journey better for each of our students. If you were not able to attend this term, kindly reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher by email with any questions or concerns that you may have.